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HF Solutions are experts in negotiating a wide range of trading agreements.

We can negotiate new agreements on your behalf and/or review and renegotiate existing documentation that you already have in place. HF Solutions negotiators will work with you to ensure that costs are kept to a minimum and keep you fully informed throughout the negotiation process.

Our approach:

(i) we will provide you with an inventory of clauses and terms for each of your agreements where we believe that negotiation/renegotiation will be beneficial;
(ii) we will work with you to identify which of these clauses and terms are most important to you;
(iii) we will work with your counterparties to renegotiate such clauses and terms on your behalf.

Types of Agreements that we can negotiate include of your behalf include:

ISDA Master Agreements
Prime Brokerage Agreements
Credit Support Annexes
Trade Confirmations
Master Confirmation Agreements
Repurchase Agreements
Securities Lending Agreements
Portfolio Swap Agreements
Structured Confirmations
Futures Agreements
FX Annexes
CFD Agreements
Commodities Annexes
Custody Agreements
Control Agreements
Clearing Agreements

Learn more about our services.

Call us at +1-646.873.0428 to speak to a HF Solutions representative.